Wednesday 10 February 2016

Islamic Rulings on Menstruation and Post Child Bleeding

The arabic word for menstruation is haidh literally means "running". it refer to the discharge of blood during a woman state of health, not from giving birth or breaking the hymen (losing the virginity)
Women are enjoined to be highly hygienic this period.

For the blood to be considered menses it must be one of these following colors:
1. Dark: Mentioned by the Prophet
2. Red: its the Original color of Blood
3. Yellow: its is liquid like pus
4. A muddy Color: Color btw black and white like dirt.
NB: if the menses discharge is yellow color btw the period days its considered menses but outside these days its not regarded as such.

Post ChildBirth Bleeding
This bleeding occurs after the birth of a child regardless if the child survives or not, it has no minimum flow duration, it could stop after the birth or flow for days.
However a woman is expected to make ghusl and start praying whenever the blood flow stops or after forty days (if it doesn't stop by then)

Things women in their menses and postchild bleeding can't do include:
1. Salat
2. They cannot Fast, however incase of Ramadan,they are to make up the fast after Ramadan
3. Have Sexual Intercourse(Couples can do everything except touch the vagina)
4. Enter the mosque
5. Touch and Read the Holy Quran, thou its permitted to recite the Quran if its from the memory and Also listen to quranic recitations

Women with prolonged Flows of Blood.
Islam defines such occurrence as the flowing of blood outside the regular time.
This happens in three cases
1. The woman knows her menses is lasting longer that the usual no of days. In this case she should act according to her usual no of menstrual flow days, after which she can make ghusl and start praying.
2. The woman does not know her period well enough to determine if its her normal menstrual flow or a prolonged flow of blood. In this case her period is considered to be six or seven days  (which is the most common among women ) after which she should perform ghusl and start praying.
3. A woman has a regular period but unable to distinguish the blood. She should behave according to the type of blood she sees i.e Fatimah had a prolonged flow, and the Prophet (SAW) told her "if its menstrual blood, it is dark and recognizable. if you have that abstain from prayer if its outside that you should make ablution and pray for it is a vein." (Related by Abu Dawud)

Women who fall into these categories must abide by the following Regulations

1. Ghusl: She does not have to perform ghusl for every prayers
2. She must make ablution for each prayer
3. She should not make ablution before the prayer time begins.
4. She should keep the blood in check: She shld wash her vagina before she makes Ablution and she should wear something that soaks the blood, and do what she can to keep the blood in check, this include seeking medical advice
5. She can have sexual intercourse with her husband because there is no evidence to the contrary ie if shes pure enough for prayers then she's  pure enough for intercourse.
6. She can do every other thing a lady not in her menstrual flow can do, shes considered to be a pure person.
Allahu Alam

Final Thought
Women are enjoined to engage in lots of good deeds during this period, you can make duas, supplications dikhr etc.

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