Monday 1 February 2016


Assalam alaykum, my name is Sekinat. I am a 33year old medical doctor, a married mother of two beautiful princesses. I am currently an obstetrician and gynecologists-in-training. I am the second of six children made up of four males and two females (first daughter). Alhamdulillah

I was quite lucky as I was brought up knowing the basics of Islam. Praying the five daily salat and fasting in the month of Ramadan at least. I also learnt how to read the Quran at an early age thanks to my dad. I however did not meet with the hijab until I got into the university.
I identified with the hijab but I did not take it up for a million and one reasons. Thinking about that now…hmm, Alhamdulillah! Taking up the hijab was by Allah’s mercy. I am quite curious and like to learn about things and correctly too. My course was really demanding and prayer times come and go, and am yet to close for the day. This got me worried and I complained to a senior Muslim colleague who said I should use the mosque. I said that would be challenging as I cannot pray in my denim pants and tank top. He suggested that I dress in something I could pray in. That was the beginning and here we are!!!

My struggle with letting go of music was quite challenging but by Allah’s mercy, I could drop it since it does not adapt with #myhijabmylifestyle. I was an ardent listener of music, even when reading.  I however learnt about its forbiddance in Islam so the struggle started as whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. This I replaced with listening to sonorous recitation of the Quran.  This gave me peace, not minding that I did not understand Arabic. I also listened to nasheeds but with time I stuck to the ones without the use of instruments.

Allah is the merciful, so I prayed in the last sajdah of every sallah, “O Allah, make it easy for me to serve you”. I pray that Allah guides the heart of the reader to the beauty of Islam, the priceless garb of the hijab and the ability and strength to abide by the sanctity of the hijab.

Things you should know about Music
MUSIC LYRICS is a deadly endeavor that if one is accustomed to can be addicted to it for life. Humans are creatures of habit. Almost everything we do in our life is derived from habit. If you go home at night and do nothing but eat and watch TV, that habit takes root in your physical and mental state and you become out of shape and rely on TV for entertainment. The same holds true for music.
The type of music one listens to takes root in one's soul. One literally starts to become what she listens to on a long term basis, the music that one plays or listens to could very well be a large factor in defining the type of person one becomes, both behavioral and mental cues almost sync with the music, and changes the person’s lifestyle.

Struggle to drop it (An example)
Naajiah has been an ardent music listener her whole life, she often listen to songs accompanied by musical instruments such as drums, bass, guitar, piano, cello, etc.
What she noticed in herself was that, with each genre she would listen to for a period of time, she would see a change in her thought patterns. For example with metal and rock she would become somewhat militaristic, focusing on a regimented and often more aggressive lifestyle. With blues and jazz she would become relaxed and chill out much more easily. Dubstep made her want to party.
However, she began looking for ways to salvage her addiction when she became a conscious Muslimah (observing the hijab and being conscious of the do's and dont's of her deen).  She listened to Islamic Nasheeds instead. Yet, some of them come with beats and sound, she prayed to Allaah and resisted for some years before she finally adhere to listening to Qur'an recitals and different Adhkars.

Reasons to drop it from Quraan and Hadith
    ئِكَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ مُهِينٌ وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَنْ يَشْتَرِي لَهْوَ الْحَدِيثِ لِيُضِلَّ عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ وَيَتَّخِذَهَا هُزُوًا ۚ أُولَٰ
And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing, etc) to mislead (men) from the path of Allah without knowledge, and takes it (the path of Allah, the versed of the Quran) by way of mockery. For such there will be a humiliating torment (in the hell fire).  (Luqman, Q31 v.6)
In the Narration of al-Bukhaaree;
The Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam)said : "There will be [at some future time] people from my Ummah who will seek to make lawful fornication, the wearing of silk, wine drinking and the use of  instruments [ma'aazif]..."
Al-Jowhari, the author of the ancient dictionary 'as-Sihaah', asserts that ma'aazif signifies musical instruments, al-'aazif indicates one who sings and the 'azf of the wind is its voice.
Az-Zabeedi also says that ma'aazif are instruments of leisure which are drummed upon or played, like the loot ('ood) , the drum (tanboor), the small hand drum (daff) or other such musical objects. Ibn Hajar in Fathul-Baaree relates that 'azf is also used to describe singing (ghinaa).

This authentic hadeeth clearly establishes the prohibition of musical instrument and this in itself is sufficient for the one who really wishes to see the Truth of the affair.
How a Muslimah can overcome it.
The first thing one should do is to have a firm intention and resolution. The only reason why many have not been able to avoid music is due to the fact that their resolutions are always weak. If one set his heart on his intentions, everything becomes easy. If one tries for the Sake of Allah, no matter how hard it may seem to be, Allah will make it beautifully easy for her.
Reciting and Memorizing the Quran and the beautiful meaning should replace music and/ or listening to Adhkar or remembrance that aids one's fear of Allah. In these, the heart will find peace and tranquility, consolation and happiness in worshipping Allaah.

Music today, is more or less audio pornography. Women are spoken of as sexual objects, the lyrics encourage vile behaviour and provoke haram desires within a person. It's exactly because of this that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has said: "Verily, singing generates hypocrisy in the heart just as water causes farm -produce to grow ". (Baihaqi )
These afore-mentioned should prove sufficient to show the illegality of music accompanied with musical instruments; to the one who "has a heart or gives ear while she is heedful."

May Almighty Allah make it easy for us all.
Jazaak Allahu Khairan for reading.

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