Monday 1 February 2016


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Dear Sisters,

 Islam is the religion of knowledge. The first revelation to our noble prophet Muhammad (SAW) was ‘Iqra’ meaning ‘Read!’ which is the key to knowledge. Allah commanded the prophet (SAW) to seek more of it in Q20:114. “Say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge”.

 Seeking of knowledge is a religious obligation. The prophet (SAW) said, “The seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim”. So, just as we strive to pray, fast, pay zakat or perform hajj, we should also strive to seek knowledge. We should try to learn all kinds of beneficial knowledge. Beneficial knowledge can be classified into two. Islamic knowledge and Worldly knowledge. The most important knowledge for us is Islamic knowledge with which we come to know Allah and understand His religion, which is the knowledge which He sent through His honoured Messenger Muhammad (SAW). However worldly knowledge too is indispensable because through it we gain the good of this world which we pray for everyday.

Dear Sisters, knowledge should precede actions or speech. Whatever we want to do or say we should seek the best knowledge about it. If we dabble into something we know nothing about, we may end up doing more harm than good. For example, in a hadith qudsi, Allah says know Me before you worship Me. If you do not know Me, how can you worship Me? Knowledge should also be accompanied by Taqwa i.e. fear/consciousness of Allah. We should realise that He is the source of ALL knowledge. After all, He taught Adam the names of everything (Q2:31) and He taught man what he knew not (Q96:5).
Knowledge should not be a reason for us to become arrogant. Shaytan’s arrogance made him disobey Allah which led to his eternal damnation. Likewise there are many learned unbelievers who arrogantly use their knowledge to counter or refute the laws of Allah. Knowledge for us should only make us humble as we realise more the greatness of Allah. Also, there is no benefit in knowledge that is not confirmed by actions. Shaytan knew his Lord was Allah but didn’t confirm that knowledge with the action of obeying His command to bow down to Adam. We should strive to implement the good knowledge we have acquired so that others will benefit from it.

Dear Sisters, seek knowledge with a Divine aim which is to please Allah (SWT) and to serve His creatures. This aim will guide us to beneficial knowledge and steer us away from corruption. To make personal or worldly gains the aim of seeking knowledge most often times leads to corruption and transgression. Also spread knowledge. Teach others and ensure you don’t perish with whatever beneficial knowledge you have.

 Knowledge elevates our status. Allah praises the knowledgeable ones. “Are those who know equal to those who know not?” Q39:9. The noble prophet (SAW) said, “The superiority of the one who has knowledge is like the superiority of the moon over the stars.” Knowledge brings rewards. It often brings about material success but will definitely bring about divine blessings. When the knowledgeable person dies, he continues to earn rewards so long as people continue to benefit from his knowledge. The noble prophet (SAW) said, when a man dies, all his deeds come to an end except for three - ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge or a righteous son who prays for him. The ultimate reward of knowledge seeking is paradise. The noble prophet (SAW) said, “Whoever follows a path in pursuit of knowledge, Allah makes easy his way to paradise”.

 Dear Sisters, having said all this, it is ironic today Muslim dominated countries are categorized as under-developed or developing countries. The percentage of illiteracy in many of them are 20% and above. Scientific research and education get a small portion of yearly budget in most Muslim countries.
However, this was not the case centuries ago. Muslim countries were once the most advanced countries on earth. In the middle ages, the Islamic civilisation was the most advanced civilisation in the whole world and is considered the foundation of modern civilisation. Public libraries, public hospitals and universities were located in different cities of the then Muslim world e.g. Bagdad, Damascus, Cairo, Fez, Grenada. They were the centres of learning. Muslims also made great achievements in different branches of knowledge. For example, Ibn Sina (Avicenna) was a physician and philosopher whose book ‘The Canon of Medicine’ was the standard textbook at many universities in Europe until the seventeenth century. Ibn Rushd (Averroes) was a towering figure in Arab-Islamic thought. Al-Kwarizmi (Algoritmi) was a mathematician and astronomer. Algebra ‘Al-Jabr’ is one of the operations he used to solve quadratic equations.

Dear Sisters, let us strive to seek knowledge using the guidelines outlined above, so that with Allah’s help, the Muslim world’s lost glory will be restored.
And remember to celebrate the hijab everyday with the proper #myhijabmylifestyle.

Jazaak Allahu Khairan for reading

My name is Lateefah Teniola Sodipe married to Engr Faheed Olajide. I was born on the 18th of June 1977 in Lagos. I am from Odogbolu in Ogun state. I picked up the hijab in secondary school (Queens’ College, Yaba, Lagos) in SS1. I studied Architecture at the University of Lagos. I work at Lagos State Development and Property Corporation (LSDPC). I am married with two sons and a daughter. People say I’m creative. I love reading and learning and I’m passionate about spreading the message of Islam.

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