Monday 1 February 2016


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Sisters in Islam,
Objectives of the Article
1.      Describe the extent of beauty that is allowed to be displayed by muslimahs according to the Quran and hadith
2.      Discuss the various ways hijabis display their beauty
3.      Highlight the logic/reasoning behind extreme display of beauty
4.      Discuss tips on overcoming extreme display of beauty based on personal experience

Hijab means concealment i.e. something that covers. It may be an outer garment that covers the whole of the body or a cloth that covers the head, neck and bosom. It is a distinctive Islamic dress that conceals the body of Muslim women from the sight of unrelated men.
Allah says: O children of Adam! Verily, we have bestowed upon you clothing to cover your shame …….. (Q7:26). Hence from the Islamic point of view, one of the purposes of clothing is to cover the body. Islam therefore requires that the muslimah should be careful about her appearance. This appearance has been guided by the following verses of the Holy Quran.
‘Tell the believing women not to display or show off their adornment except what is apparent thereof and they should draw their veils over their bosoms’ Q 24: 31
‘O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies’ Q 33:59.
A muslimah should therefore accept these verses willingly and with strong conviction as the early generation of women companions did. As narrated by Aisha (RA) when the above verse (Q 24: 31) was revealed, the menfolk of the Ansars went to their wives and recited to them the words Allah had revealed. Each man recited to his wife, his daughter, his sister and other female relatives. Every woman amongst them got up, took her decorated wrapper and wrapped herself up in it out of faith and belief in what Allah has revealed. How beautiful was their faith and obedience to Allah. Just like these early muslimahs so should any muslim woman do.
Unfortunately, while our generation of muslimahs strive to achieve this, we often neglect the true essence of hijab.Hence “We are fully covered yet naked”

Hijabis usually display their beauty in various ways. While some of the forms may be done unknowingly, majority are often done with intent. I have tried to summarize these forms into two;

In this form, hijabis wear clothes that may actually cover all body parts, but because the clothes are either tight or transparent, they often reveal the body parts that are meant to be covered. Clothes like body hugs,tight hand sleeves, tight trousers, puff socks usually cling to the body and as such reveal the shape of the body. To achieve the essence of hijab, the above types of cloth should not form part of our outer garment in any way. Hijabis often tend to satisfy the condition of covering all body parts, while adequate attention is not given to the fabric that covers the body parts. From my own understanding of what hijab means, our fabrics should not be;
•       Transparent (i.e. fabric must be opaque)
•       Tight (i.e. fabric must be loose or free)
•       Too bright or shiny so as to draw undue and unnecessary attention (i.e. fabric must be conservative and modest)

The Alluring face
Hijab connotes modesty, hence hijabis should limit their anxieties to display their attractions. Adequate attention should therefore be given to the face which is usually uncovered. While some hijabis may claim that a beautiful muslimah (without makeup) will also attract attention that does not give us the ground to call for the attention through our make-up. Examples of excessive make-ups in public include; coloured and glittering lipsticks, sharpening and colouring of their eye brow (Kindly seek for the hadith on sharpening of the eye brow), colouring the eye lashes etc.
 Hijabis should try to look as natural as possible. I am not saying stuffs like powder should not be used, but ensure that whatever you use retains the colour of the body part. We need to be careful that while our hijab works to guard us from unnecessary glances from men, our faces do not work otherwise. May Allah ease our tasks.

While muslimahs use hijab to obey Allah, they may also be driven by the need to belong here (the muslimah community) and there (your need to satisfy friends, colleagues and others that although you are a hijabi, you are also a fashionista). These dual needs of wanting to belong here and there in most cases often work in contrast.

•       Have the conviction that your hijab is not meant to agree with the expectation of any group of people, rather your hijab is your total submission to the commands of Allah SWT. Therefore, work towards removing the urge to satisfy people. Your litmus test is to ask yourself as you dress; have I covered (in all ramifications) what Allah has ordained to be covered? Accept your hijab with the strong conviction the women companions had.
•       Surround yourself with pious muslimahs who will always encourage you to grow in faith. Limit your association with friends that pull you down, because their impact may not be visible immediately as they work on your emotions stylishly with comments that sound subtle but work negatively on your faith. Such comments for example include; Oh you look so dab with this your loose cloth. Have you been sick, your face looks so plain and dull, Have you joined the extremists? What happened to you dear! (and you answer; like how and she replies oh nothing).
•       Gradually change your wardrobe. Invest in more halal wears and limit clothes that should not be worn in public for indoor purposes.
•       Be steadfast. Your low points may come once in a while. Imagine when you come across very beautiful fabrics with their glitters and you can’t resist not buying them. You may try using the fabrics for body parts that the hijabs will cover. I am satisfied in seeing my dress look so beautiful when I check myself in the mirror and the sheer joy of covering the part that needs to be covered with hijab soothes me.

And who says your dress style can’t still be beautiful with your hijab. For my official look, I usually invest in gown suits. My gowns are usually flair (the flair starts from under-bust and that makes the gown very loose so my shape is not visible even when I wear a triangular shaped hijab on the gown). Remember your hijab needs to cover your bust and your backside. For me, my gowns are absolutely beautiful despite the fact that they are opaque, loose and not too bright.

Just for laughs
And when my non-muslim colleagues or friends ask me; what joy do you derive in covering up all your ornaments? I’d say the same joy you derive when you cover up your undies despite the fact that they are beautiful and new.
Or would they rather show it out for people to see and appreciate (lol)
I’m absolutely blessed and happy wearing my hijab!

Last words
Remember, your hijab is an outward show of obedience, piety, chastity and modesty, Is your heart an inward show of such too? May Allah make it easy for us all. #myhijabmylifestyle

Jazaak Allahu Khairan for reading.

Short Biography:  Dr Fawziyah Olajide Adedamola is a Chartered accountant and a civil servant. She’s married with three children. She of the opinion that, whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.


  1. This is a beautiful piece. I was touched by it...jazakumlah khairan Dr Fawziyyah. May Allah make it easy for us all to do what He has enjoined and abstain from all He has forbidden...

  2. This is a beautiful piece. I was touched by it...jazakumlah khairan Dr Fawziyyah. May Allah make it easy for us all to do what He has enjoined and abstain from all He has forbidden...

  3. Proud of you sis in law, am ready to famz her here...barakallahu fih
