Thursday 10 March 2016


Tayammum literally means aim or purpose, in Islamic it means seeking soil to wipe one’s face and hands with the intention of preparing oneself to pray and so on
The soil used for tayammum must be pure soil, this can be Sand, Stone, Gypsum etc

Tayammum is viewed as a blessing from Allah to the Muslims (mentioned in Q4:V43) it replaces ablution or ghusl under specific conditions. These are:
1. When one can’t find water or the amount one finds is insufficient for ablution
2. When one is injured or ill and believes water will worsen the condition. Note that one does not have to find out himself to be sure if using water will harm him or not one can base his opinion on past experience or what a knowledgeable person have told him e.g the doctor
3. If the water available is cold enough to harm the user and find nowhere to heat it
4. when water is nearby but does not want to fetch it due to fear for one's life e.g. if an enemy is nearby human or beast or one can be accused for getting it.
5. If one is saving available water for later use e.g. for drinking, cooking or to remove impurities that is not pardonable.
6. A traveler who can't find water or finds but not permitted to use from it.
7. If one can get water but fears that the prayer will be over before he gets it.

How to perform tayammum

1. Acquire clean earth, sand, dust or stone for the purpose.

2. Have the intention, just like the case of the wet ablution.

3. Say: "Bismillah" (In the Name of Allah) as you begin. Your palms, strike the clean sand once (blow off excessive sand on the palms, if necessary).

4. Using your palms, wipe over your face just like is done in the case of the wet ablution.

5. Then wipe over the back of your right hand with the aid of the left palm.

6. And wipe over the back of your left hand with the aid of the right palm.

7. Conclude by saying the Dua (the supplication)
recite: "Ash-hadu anlaa ilaaha illALLAHu wahdahuu laa shariikalahu, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhuu wa rasuuluhu."

What Nullifies the Tayammum?
The prescence of water and everything that nullifies Wudhu nullifies the tayammum.

Useful Tips

1. After doing the tayammum one is pure and may do any of the acts requiring prior purification e.g praying touching the quran.
2. He does not have to perform it during the time of prayer i.e he can pray as many prayers as he wishes unless he nullifies it.
3. Its allowable to wipe over any wrapper, diseased or injured bodily parts.
4. If one eventually finds water one does not have to repeat the prayer
5. Incase of ghusl, one should make ghusl as soon as water is available.

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