Thursday 10 March 2016

#2. Hijab Fashion Style Diary

Asalamualiekum waramatullahi wabarakatuhu. My name is Aisha Yusuff Eniola. I'm a student of the federal university of Agriculture Abeokuta. I study biochemistry there and I'm in my 3rd year Alhamdulilah. I am a native of Ibadan, Oyo State but I stay in Sango Ota, Ogun State.

Hijab Story
 I wouldn't really say I have an Hijab story per say but obviously it would have started from somewhere. I come from a home were my dad was the staunchest practicing Muslim but he was rarely at home due to the location of his work place. He tried as much as possible to ‎instill his knowledge of deen in us because I guess he found the sweetness of faith. My mum was the 'you must observe fajr but I'm not concerned about other solah' type so solah wasn't really a problem for me. My dad made it a rule that we cannot leave the house without our hair being covered though he didn't state how to. So I've been covering my hair for a long time but I didn't start observing Hijab properly till my first year at the  university ( when I say properly,i mean covering the key places).

I attended a public school for the first three years of my secondary school education before transferring to a school that allowed the use of hijab as part of the uniform. That further aided my transmission. When I got to pre degree school , I saw different varieties of Hijab and got initiated into the sisterhood that the hijab brings. Up until now, I cannot bring myself to see anything wrong with the way any Hijabi dresses so far it's following the set rules. They all just fascinate me.

In 100level, I decided to start covering everything excluding my hands, face and feet.‎ My first challenge was finding clothes that would portray my sense of style and still conform. With my deen and that was so difficult. So for my first year, I tried to incorporate things I had into showing my personality. It was in there I got to know that people actually judge Hijabis because of their Hijab. It was surprising for me as I just couldn't find anything wrong with that mode of dressing and of course I also got to know that even among we Hijabis, there was discrimination and shunning. It was surprising as all I got to know in pre degree school was the love and similarity among all Hijabis so I decided to keep my ideology. I'd embrace every type of sisters I meet, hijabis, jilbabis, non hijabis, hipster hijabis, any just because I didn't want to taint my ideology of love and peace. By the end of 100 levels, I got to know other sisters who were going through the struggles of finding clothes to portray their fashion styles. That's how I got to find out about people who learnt the art of sewing just to help hijabis and where some people got their stuffs.

As a student who isn't an entrepreneur, I don't have any other source of income except my parents so I do get long sleeve tops and maxi gowns of high quality from markets like the one called 'katangua a.k.a super market'. Now, when I get enough to patronise sisters who own online stores, I do but when I don't, I opt for shopping at that market just because I can get them at prices that suit my budget. Sometimes, my mum might travel and get me nice stuff or I buy some scarves, bags and shoe from her as she sells wears. Most of my shoes I get from pep store in my area. My scarves I get from different places and even an online store on IG called @hijabsnigeria. I recently started learning the art of making outfits so I make some outfits myself too.

 Another problem I face is the bigotry in school and the autnomatic stereotype that just cos you're Hijabi, you must be perfect or you're oppressed or you're dumb and not outspoken and docile, people with different stereotype. I'm what you might call an advocate of women, I love wonder woman, tomb raider, nikita, black widow, lots of animation super heros that are women just because I believe our gender is not auntomatic failure so I tend to get tired defending the fact that we Muslim women, hijabi or not, are more than the basket they've put us all into.

Look 1: I made the outfit myself. My mum got the fabric at yaba(Lagos Nigeria) I think and it was a bit difficult to sew for a learner like me because it was all shifty and stuff. I paired it with a scarf from an Abaya and because it was cold that day, I used a thick scarf around my neck and I wore a pair of vans

Look2: I went to my uncle's wedding. Scarf was bought in one of those markets in lagos. It's a typical scarf that our mums will wear, I took my mum's, hehe. The clutch, i also bought from my mum and shoe is from pep store. i got it for less than 2k

Look 3: ‎I had an exam that day and it was a Saturday but I didn't wanna look too casual or too dressed up so I paired that skirt, my sister made it, with a long sleeve top I got from one of my sprees at super market and also a waist coat I got from a friend . I wore a plimsoll that I got from pep, for 2k. Scarf is an Abaya scarf

Look4: it was a Jumuah in school and I didn't wanna put on Abaya or native so I wore this gown, I got from a friend that sell stuffs in school, for just 1k. The top was the same one I wore in look 3, scarf from one of those market in Lagos, 1k. Shoe is vans

Look 5‎: this is the cooperate look! Yaay! I've had that blazer forever and it took me time to find it again. My sister made the skirt, also maxi, I wore an off white tank top, scarf is an Abaya scarf. Shoe is vans (I love sneakers, I guess that ruled it out for cooperate)

Look 6: This was one of my lazy days. School bag was bought in Sango. Skirt and top, I got from my friend that sells stuff in school for nothing over 2k and shoe from pep store in Sango. Scarf is an Abaya scarf

Look 7:‎ It's the same skirt from look 5 but paired with a grey top I bought from a friend, a red pashmina,a bag I got from our local market in Abeokuta, a shoe I got as a gift. I was wearing that wrist watch/ bracelet for effect.

Look 8: This is another lazy day look. Actually, I had an hijabi around my area make the skirt and hijab for me, I spent about 1k only but I guess I grew around my lower body so it got a bit fitted so I wore tops that cover my butt and hijabs like this that are  already sown to divert attention from where I definitely don't need it. I was carrying a cross bag my mum got for me and I was putting on a slipper there.

I hope I've helped my fellow sisters and I love you all for the sake of Allah. In sha Allah, you can go through  IG ‎and I guarantee you'd see hijabis that make nice things here in Nigeria at affordable prices but you can definitely check locations that I stated, If you like. Masalam

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