Thursday 7 January 2016

How to Transform from a Non-Hijabi to an Hijabi

Wondering how? Just get up, get dressed, use the hijab, step out of the house and thats it

Okay!scratch that...was just kidding!!!

We understand that  transforming from not covering your hair atall or tieing scarfs to an hijabi does not come easy to alot of people even though we all know how important it is, Sisters face alot of challenges preventing them from using the hijab, ranging from the environment they live, place of work, Non muslim parents,peer pressure and so on.
In the midst of all these challenges, we still need to try to use the hijab becaause it is a command from Almighty Allah and we don't know if any of these excuses will count of the day of Judgement.
Here are ways to make the transformation easy for us and i hope you find it helpful.

    1. Have the intention.

Put the thoughts in mind, do researches ie Find out what Allah and prophet (S.A.W) said about it, highlight your obstacles,is it ur friends, workplace , parents or you think you are just not ready!

  2. Supplicate to Allah

This a very important step in trying to achieve using the hijab. Even if you don't feel like using it, just pray for a better understanding.  Put those obstacles  you highlighted in duaa, ask Allah to make it easy for you, And watch as all other things unfold easily.
May Allah accept our duaa. Allahumo Aaaamin

  3. Seek friends/ family that you know will be willing to encourage  you.
Taking the journey alone may be a bit difficult,we all need an helping hand, dont hesitate to seek one from your hijabi friends and family, and let them know you will like to attain the hijabi state so they can encourage you, ensure its someone  you are comfortable with, that is also patient and will be ready to guide you always.

   4. Start buying outfits that will make you look modest.

When you go out to shop, check out for modest clothes like  maxi dresses, skirts, long sleeves tops, Abayas, jackets etc.Shop for scarfs and khimars too. its good to have all the "hijab Diva's wardrobe essentials" handy (check previous posts)

   5. Do a tryout at your leisure

Do you want to know how you would look like with the hijab?
@ ur leisure, do a try out either by wearing a khimar, or wrapping your scarf to cover your bust (You can use hijab tutorial pictures or check the you tube for videos)
Done? do you like what you see?  now take a selfie, tag it my first hijab pix! and send to that your hijabi friend and family.

  6. Take that step, just do it.

Stepping out with your hijab takes alot of courage,I could remember the first thing i did was to announce to my friends and family via my dm on bbm, in my own words "Alhamdulillaah have found my hijab" and the next challenge was showing @ work with it!buh Allah made everything easy.So just do it you may never know what a smooth ride it will be, till u try

  7. Perfecting your hijab.

We know you may not always start perfectly, dats ok but it very bad not to aspire to be a better hijabi. Start trying to put the things you found out during your course of research into use e.g key places the hijab should cover, men that are not permitted to see you without the hijab and so on

Thats pretty much it!Do you feel i left anything out? kindly include it @ the comment session.

Dear non hijabis,Lets know if you have found these tips helpful. you can contact us via email to discuss  any further concerns.
We are always ready to listen and guide to the best of our knowledge.

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