Wednesday 27 January 2016

Performing Ghusl

Salam alaikum,

Wednesday is when we share useful tips with one another on our BBM Channel (C002C0D8F) but i have not be uploading here regularly, Am sure that will change soon, Insha Allah

However these Tips are quite important so we would always share them on the blog .....Enjoy

What is Ghusl
Ghusl is a form of ablution performed by muslims to remove impurities from the body The entire body must be washed, rubbed and covered with water while intending to remove impurities from the body.

Things You'll Need
Clean water source
Private location
Platform/clean ground

       Actions Requiring Ghusl
1. Discharge of sperm owing to simulation while asleep or awake
2. After Sexual Intercourse
3. After Mensturation/Childbirth
4. Death
5. A non muslim upon embracing Islam

       Actions which Ghusl is preferred 
1. Before Jummah on Fridays
2. Before the 'Id prayers
3. After washing a Corpse
5. For Hajj eg entering mekkah and while stopping at Arafah

Things you cannot do while Impure
1.  Salat
2. Touching or carrying the Quran
3. Reading the Quran
4. Staying in the Mosque
5. Circumambulating the Ka'bah

 How Ghusl is performed 

1. Begin with the intention of performing Ghusl for purification. The intention is inside your heart you don't have to say it

2. Wash both hands up to and including your wrists. Rub between the fingers and repeat three times.

3. Wash your private parts.

4. Make a complete ablution  (The Prophet (S.A.W) used to delay washing the feet till the end of ghusl if hes using a tub and so on)

    Ablution Explained with Letters A-E
A. Wash ur mouth by Swirling water inside your mouth and spit it out. Repeat three times.
B. Wash your nose by Sniffing some water  into your nostrils and blow it out Repeat three times.
C. Wash your face. Wash it three times from your hairline to your chin and jawbone. Extend the washing from ear to ear.
D. Wash the right arm up to the elbow three times. Repeat with the left arm.
E. Pour water over your head three times down to the roots of the hairs. If women have braided hair, then wet the base of the braids and hair. If you can’t wet the base, then un-plait the hair.

5. Wash the entire right side of the body by pouring water over your shoulder and self. Repeat with the left side.

6. Pour water over your head. Rub every portion of your body with the water  including under the armpit, inside the ear, inside the navel etc to ensure your entire body is clean.

7. Move away from the area you just performed your washing or stand on a platform. Wash the feet, right then left, up to the ankles. Make sure to pour water between the toes and rub with your little finger.Ensure you wash the soles of the foot.

  Things you should know
✔All washing should be completed three times.
✔Don’t delay in covering your body. As long as the entire body was washed three times in this order, you are considered eligible to perform Salah.
✔Just like with regular ablution, women should remove nail polish before performing the ghusl . Women can also remove earrings to allow water to enter piercing holes. remove all things that may prevent water from washing the skin.
✔Do not perform Ghusl in the direction of Qibla.
✔ Ghusl is performed same way for all purposes.
✔Beware that missing a single part of your body may make the ritual null. It should be performed in detail with the intention in your heart to become clean.
✔Do not speak while performing this ritual.
✔Use clean water, source can include rain, well, spring, sea, river snowmelt or pond water
✔Don’t use impure water, water from fruit or trees or previous Ghusl or Wudu water. Water that may have bodily fluids from animals or humans is also unacceptable. Discolored water should not be used
✔Use clean earth and rub it over your face and hands if you are traveling and can’t find a source of clean water. You should perform Ghusl with water as soon as you find a water source.

✔ it is preferrable for a woman performing ghusl to cleanse herself after menstruation/post childbirth bleeding  to take some cotton smeared with musk or perfume and wipe it over the traces of blood i.e private part. (I think there is a special perfume meant for this purpose, you can ask from those selling islamic items)

I hope you found these tips useful. You can join our platforms for more interesting Tips


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