Friday 18 March 2016

#10. Hjab Fashion Style Diary

Salam alaikum,

My name is Gbolagade Shakirat student, Am a student of University of ibadan, Ibadan Oyo state Nigeria.
Hijab Story
it started in 2012 just before I gained admission into the university, I made up my mind not to use only head caps, but to cover every day well it wasn't easy but Alhamdulilahi, i see lots of Hijabis they inspire me even more, to be a better Muslimah ,I feel good about myself everyday (smiles)
How she achieved her styles
I am not the fashionista type, No! No! What I do basically is I go to the market, I see what I like, and then I buy......sometimes I get materials and saves money that way....loool
Here are some of my styles with details of how i achieved them.

I call this the legal look....looool, had a presentation so i tried to look formal..I wore a long black gown..white blazers(it was a gift from my friend Tawakalt) and a black and white scarf to wrap around it i can't remember how I got the scarf, but I think it saved the day.

A long black gown, a jacket to make it more formal and this Hijab, I bought it thinking it was green, found out it was lemon i almost cried, but wait! See what I did with it i smiled its Sunnnah.

I don't really get anyone to take pictures for me,so I just take selfies mostly, ( laughs) what can a sister do. Here i have a light brown scarf, i got this myself at sango market, I wore a jacket, got that at the mall and then a brown bag to match..simple.

This is traditional attire. Pink is my favorite colour, the clothe is from my mum, and the scarf I got it myself at a local market, so I just put it all together. Stunning, isn't it?

Here I wore my favorite green top thanks to my brother Abdullah he got me this, I wore a long black straight skirt, not tight fitted, got it from a woman at SUB park in unibadan, with a black scarf wrap around to give it the simple look I wanted and then a cream bag, I don't know why I took cream bag, but it was cool. Isn’t it? lol**

  Just saw this gown along the road and I loved it, but my friends told me it was too big for my small body, i told them, I would rock it my own way, so I just matched it with a black scarf and they were all surprised......I did it.. Smiles***

Here I wore a long sleeve shirt, and I wore a long black skirt, not straight not maxi but it’s a free skirt and this scarf, I love the colour. I bought it at Dugbe market for just 300 naira yesso, so I wrapped it this way. I was lucky and see how nice it is. Alhamdulilah

Time to look simple and classy, yay* so I wore a white armless inner, with a long sleeve jacket( black) to cover it up, plus a black straight skirt( not showing in the pix, I love my brown scarf, wrapping it up makes me complete, my big bag and of cause thanks to my friend  'Tawakalt' for the sunglasses.

Hmmmmn my love for a touch of brown! the shirt is a gift from a friends mum, I matched it with a black scarf, wrap around like this and a blue straight skirt to keep it simple yet official still took this pic despite my lateness trying to wrap the Hijab took my time, life of an hijabi*

Still on this official look things, Bought the shirt from a woman at Aleshinloye market in Ibadan Nigeria, cause the design got my attention, it was love at first sight (laughs), so I wore a black skirt to match, and this Hijab, i didn't get the style well but I tried hunh
 Last Words
With that I wrap it all up...Alhamdulillah, Thanks to Hijab Divas for letting me do this, to everyone out here Jazaak Allah Khairan. Please feel free to email me if there's anything you'd like to share. Remember be covered and smile its Sunnah.....Ma salam

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