Monday 21 March 2016

#11. Hijab Fashion Style Diary

Salam alaikum,

Am Azeezat ibrahim, a student of Minnesota state university Moorhead USA. I major in Health service Administration in my third year. Born and brought up in Lagos but from Osun state. Currently in the United States studying.

Hijab Story
My Hijab story, well it all started partially 2013, used to tie my turban and on friday use my hijab, it was going on like that until when i was leaving home to come study here in the States 2014. My mum said to me “Azeezat i want you to start using your hijab fully, so people could identify you as a Muslim” i said okay, but in my head was like not that i'm not gonna tie my scarf, little did i know.
From when i left Nigeria airport my scarf style started changing, from turban, to like not fully tied hijab. Until my final destination Minnesota when the temperature was extremely cold, used two of my scarf, for my head and neck. The Prophet (SAW) said, “ If Allah want to do good for somebody, He afflicts him with trials” Bukhari. The cold was a trial, but Alhamdulillah it was a Blessing.
On my first day of class used my hijab so it could cover my ear, in the hope to protect it from getting freeze, my intention was after winter i would stop using the hijab and style my turban back. Never did i realise that it was a forever mercy from Allah(SWT).
There was an overwhelming feeling i felt during the this period, i was at peace with myself, from then i started realising there was more to putting on the hijab, my character, my dressing, my speech, my understanding of why am putting the hijab on. Now i could use my hijab in the face of fear and despair “Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change their own condition”.
There were some challenges not an easy road but when you have Faith that Allah is always with you no matter what you going through. Many questions of why i put on my hijabs & my dressing, especially when there was issues about Muslim in America, people back home called if i was fine and probably i should reduce my hijab to scarf, but i never let that be a challenge for me.
I overcome my challenges by ignoring it as a challenge. Also everyone around me are always nice to me, respect and are not discouraged not to speak to me or help because i put on hijab, some might want to criticise or discriminate me with the way the behave to me , but i never really cared much about it, which i see as a favor from Allah.
Special thanks to my mum, the community and the Muslim Community here in Minnesota because, even at the face of trials on my Hijab, they made us feel at ease. The media or whatever trial is happening in the world would not bring us down against using the Hijab.

How i achieve my style of dressing, is to always wear cloth that i would feel comfortable in and modest at the same time. Here are few of my styles.

1. The Traditional look, it an oleku iro & buba my mum sent me from Nigeria but since it too short for me to wear turned it to a maxi skirt and buba, also the buba is short sleeve, so i wore a long sleeve with top to cover my hand completely in other be modest. The heels were a gift from a friend. Got the white hijab from

2. The corporate wear it just a simple outfit a black shirt got them from a friend and the black skirt from sis. And i pair it with a pink pashmina scarf i got from my mum and a pink belt so the scarf and belt could complement since am all wearing black. And i wore a black flat shoe, got it from Wet Seal store.

3. Basically my casual looks are style i just match in my head a day before or when am just standing looking at my closet. The black sweater and the striped skirt, got the sweater from forever21 store and the skirt can't remember. Pair both with a black sandal from Wet Seal, and the my scarf and cap to all complement each other since am all wearing black and white.

4. Dansiki and the straight black skirt got them both online. Wore a dansiki and the skirt in other to be more different from wearing a pants on it, and a black long sleeve before wearing the sleeves in order to cover my hands fully. The black sandal was from Wet Seal and the black Hijab from . Also just added the belt cause the dansiki is kind of extra large for me.

5. The long short sleeve shirt was from a thrift store and a pair it with a blue jean and a black long sleeve in other to get a cool style and modest at the same time. My hijab just have to be red to all rhyme with my other outfits. From Hijabista also, basically most of my hijab i order it from there because they are very soft, easy to style, not so expensive (sale) and long.

6. The print maxi skirt from forever21 store, it high waist so i pair it with a top that has a transparent lace at the front, from charlotte russe store since it kind of transparent and not long enough wore a white long sleeve under. Just always have to be modest 100% Hijab from Hijabista.

7. Wore the long striped maxi gown to a friend’s wedding since there was not a specific color. Wore the striped dress with a long jacket since the dress was a short sleeve, the dress is from forever21 and the jacket from Aeropostale. Wore a with underscarf and a Magenta color Hijab ( to all look classy and Modest.

Last Words
My advice for aspiring Hijabis is no matter what trials you are going through please Hang in there Allah is always with you. “And He is with you wherever you are. And Allah, is All-seer of what you do.(Quran 57:4)
Maa salam

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