Thursday 17 March 2016

#9. Hijab Fashion Style Diary

Salam alaikum.
My name is Aishah (yes, with the H). Presently, I am a student of Dietetics at Ahfad University and also from Lagos, Nigeria.
Hijab Story

For as long as I can remember, dating back to my childhood, I've always worn my Hijab. I remember my parents used to make me wear it. Of course, I didn't understand why but I knew I couldn’t put aside the piece of clothing then. While at secondary school, most of my friends though Muslims, wouldn’t wear the Hijab for the life of it. Hence, it was easy to ‘sail’ along, although I take sole responsibility for my decisions. I began to go out with my hair open or leave half of it as if it were on display.
However, in July of 2012 – the same year I launched forth into the ‘real world’ as my Principal had depicted during her Valedictory speech; I realised that veiling or wearing the Hijab wasn’t exactly one of those acts done blindly or utterly out of ignorance, but it should be done for the sake of Allah – and that’s what I decided to do. To use the Hijab as a veil of modesty for the sake of ALLAH without giving care to what anyone thought. The journey since then has been one in which I never leave the house with my hair open. AlhamduliLlah for that – and for many more.
While also on this journey, I may say I have been rather fortunate or lucky as I do not remember being victimised or discriminated against because of my hijab. Again I have ALLAH to thank for - AlhamduliLlah. My major challenge however, is finding the right things to wear, LOL. For me, wearing an outfit with all the necessary parts covered and still being 'on fleek' is very important. Simply, combining the right colour of scarf with your dress happens to be one of those very ‘fleek’ ingredients. (I recently counted my scarves and I realised I have 54. Honestly, that's too much so I might be giving out some).

How she's able to achieve her styles
I would say, that being covered is the core – the most important thing to me as a striving Muslimah. Secondly, the concept of COMFORT cannot be overlooked. Concept in ‘caps’ because it is that important. The sight of ‘beautiful but uncomfortable-looking’ ladies can be sometimes annoying, you’ll agree. Come on sister, why wear that top if you'd keep pulling it down? Or those shoes you very obviously have no business ‘lifting’? Baby girl, WHY 😭? To me, gowns are a rather comfortable choice and this quite explains why I own a good number of them (and still counting *wink*).
Although many of these gowns are short sleeved, it is easy to combine them with different body tops (which come in different colours allowing you to rock those gowns as you wish) as well as with jackets. I am also spot on with skirts although not as often as I am with trousers. As you may already know, ABAYA is bae - all day, every day!!! While I ‘patronise’ some online stores for clothes, most of my scarves are shopped from the local market and well, a bit more come as gifts. Interestingly, the bulk of my clothing was either inherited (aka stolen with permission) or given to me by my big sister. God bless big sisters.
And on this note, I end by saying, “If it fits and it’s comfortable – just wear it!”

Here are some pictures showing my style. I hope you find one or two you like.

Look 1. Corporate style.

Scarf : Local market
Jacket : Local market
Camisole : My mum
Skirt : Online (can't remember which side)
Bag : A friend

Look 2. Scarf : Local market

Look 3. Casual look. 

Scarf : Local market
Body top : Local market
Gown : The sister
Bag : The sister

Look 4. Scarf : I can't remember
Body top : Local market
Top gown : Same one as above (..I cut it)
Trousers : The sister

Look 5. Scarf : A gift
             Vest : Max
             Denim shirt : H&M
             Trousers : The sister
             Plimsolls : A gift

This could pass for corporate look as well.

Look 6. Scarf : Local market
Body top : Local market
Top : Atmosphere
Skirt : Local market

look 7. Traditional wear.

Little story here
I told everyone I needed black ankara and I always got that are-you-okay look. After searching for what seemed like forever, I gave up. So you can imagine my joy when I went to see one of my dad's colleagues and she gave me this as a gift and she had no idea how much I wanted it.

The Cape is detachable for the days I don't feel like being so princess

My fashion story won't be complete without abayas so...

Look 8. Scarf : Local market
Abaya : Mall
Bag : Marc b.

Look 9. Abaya : A gift
Bag : Mall
Shoes : Atmosphere/ H&M

Last Words
Thank you for this opportunity and I hope you can take away a couple of things (hopefully more) after clearly observing that I am NOT a fashionista. LOL.
Feel free to comment, commend and criticise.
P.S If you read this whole thing, I love you from the bottom of my heart ❤❤❤❤
Wa Salam Alaykum wa rahmatuLlah.

Aishah Alli-Oluwafuyi. 

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