Thursday 17 March 2016

Hairdo Tips

Salam alaikum,
Allah has blessed with different colors textures and length of hair. As Africans we have thick natural hair and it usually difficult to park it neatly into a bun or stuff it under the hijab without making the head look big. Most time it’s too painful to comb and usually stressful to keep.
This is why most people choose to relax their hair to get a soft and less stubborn texture of their hair. The good news is lots of natural products have been discovered to soften the hair and most Africans now keep their natural hair. You can ask your stylist for these products.
However if you choose to maintain a natural hair or relaxed hair, the following are the various hairdo options:

1. Weaving
Weaving also known as corn row can be done in different styles, you can weave your natural hair as tiny as it looks in the picture or make it bigger for easy loosening, different weaving styles of weaving in Nigeria include, all back, shade adu, police cap, shuku and so on, however it’s better to avoid styles that will look bulgy under the hijab or that may expose your hair in front.

2. Traditional weaving

Also the traditional weaving also known as 'didi' in Yoruba helps the hair grow longer if you are lucky to have someone that knows how to make it.
 I usually request the stylist keep my shuku low i.e. close to my neck and it usually still come out beautiful. This is to avoid it showing under the Hijab

In the picture is 'shuku didi' style, now you can see why you need to keep it low and close to your neck…lol

3. Using Threads, Rubbers and Twines.
You can thread your hair and pack, however ensure it not too high so it does not make the hijab look funny

4. Packing

If you maintain a natural hair you can use a spandex material hair band to pack it neatly to the back, and if your hair is relaxed or soft that you can pack it into a bun, there also different ways you can style your hair under the Hijab, you can check videos on you tube to be inspired.

5. Dyeing the Hair

Dyeing your hair is not haram in Islam most especially when you use natural products like Henna, you can decide to change your hair color to any other color except black. I don't know how well this works for the African natural Hair though.

6. Dreadlocks
You can also decide to lock your hair for a more convenient and chic look. However it is essential to care for your hair to avoid it becoming smelly and tangled.

Fianally, using hair extension is prohibited in Islam this include the use of wigs too however there are different opinion on the use of wool, twine and threads. some Islamic scholars says its prohibited while others are of the opinion that it allowed as long as it’s the same length with the hair.kindly read up about this for proper clarification. The picture above is showing rubbers, wools and twines.
I hope you have found this helpful. It is highly essential to maintain and healthy hair as hijabis, we would give you some hair care tips in our next useful tips post in shaa Allah.

You can add at the comment section whatever style one can do as an hijabi you feel we might left out, as usual read comment and share with friends….Maa salam.

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