Tuesday 17 May 2016

Jummah & 'ID Prayers

Friday is the best day of the week, it was reported that Prophet Adam was created on this day, he entered paradise on this day and he was expelled from paradise, also the hour will come to pass on Friday. Subhanallah
Hence its essential that we should do our best to make supplications during the last moments of jummah, for it was reported that there is an hour in this period which if a believer prays to Allah for something, one’s prayer is accepted and requests are granted.
Fard : Two rakat that suffice for the zuhr prayer
Nawafil: It is Sunnah to offer two quick rakat before the jummah prayer, this should be done before imam start the khutbah and four or two rakat after the jummah prayer
Time: The time for jummah is the same as that of the zuhr
Jummah prayer is obligatory upon every adult except in the following conditions

  • Women and Children
  • A sick person
  • A person nursing a sick person
  • A traveler
  • One who fear he might be oppressed or harmed at the gathering
  • Environmental resistance like rain mud extreme cold etc may prevent an adult from attending the Jummah prayer.
  • If the day of ‘Id  occurs on the day of Jummah, the Salatul Jummah is no longer obligatory for those who performed the ‘Id prayer
What the Jummah day entails:

The Friday prayer contains Khutbah and two rakat prayer said in congregation. The Khutbah include praises of Allah, prayer upon the prophet (SAW) admonitions and Quranic recitation.

  1. It is good to make many prayers and salutations upon the prophet (SAW) during the day and night of Fridays.
  2. Recitation of Suratul Kahf(Q18): It was reported that whoever recites suratul Al- Kahf on Fridays will have Illumination from the light from one Friday to the next. One may recite this any time of the day.
  3. It is disliked to read the quran loudly or pray loud quranic recitations in the mosque  disturbing those offering salah.
  4.  It Sunnah to Perform  ghusl, beautify oneself by wearing ones finest clothes, use Miswak,  use perfumes  before attending the jummah prayer
  5. It is good to go early for Jummah prayers
  6. It is disliked that one gets to the mosque and starts stepping over people to get to get to where he or she will sit. It best to sit at the closest open space without distracting people listening to the khutbah
  7. It is obligatory to be silent during the khutbah and not engage in any conversation.
  8. Whomever catches one rakat of the jummah can make up one rakat afterwards and the salah will be valid, however if one should join the prayer after ruku position of the second rakat then one is to pray four rakat of the Zuhr prayer.

This refers to the salah made during the two Islamic festivals namely:
Idul fitr (the end of Ramadan)
Idul adha (commemorating prophet Ibrahim Sacrifice) for idul fitr
Fard: it contains two rakat and khutbah
Nawafil: it is not established that there is any Sunnah prayer before and after the ‘id prayers
Time: it begins from the time the sun is three meters above the horizon until the sun reaches its meridian.

  1. One is to eat before going for idul fitr but not do so before going for idul adha.
  2. It is Sunnah to eat an odd number of dates before going to pray 'Id fitr while for idul adha the eating should be delayed until one returns from the ‘id
  3. Salatul ‘id can be performed in the mosque but it is preferred to performing a place outside the city as long as there is no excuse to do otherwise e.g rain etc.
  4. Women and children are required to go out and attend the e’id prayer this include married, single, young, old and menstruating women.
  5. Menstruating women will not pray but should listen to khutbah
  6. It is preferred for a person to go to the salah by one route and then return through another. It is also permissible to take the same route.
  7. It is preffered to hasten in praying eid adha and delay id fitr
  8. Whomever misses the ‘id prayers may make up for it by performing two rakat 
  9. It is good to congratulate one another on the days of ‘id
  10. It is Sunnah to pronounce the takbirat on ‘id days. This is done by saying: “ Allahu akbar Allahu akbar laillaha illallah Allahu akbar Allahu akbar wa lillahil-hamd”

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