Tuesday 17 May 2016

Qada & Qasr

Salam alaikum, here is a continuation on our salah topic, hope you enjoy!
Making up for missed salah(Qada')
The scholars agree that it is obligatory  for one who has forgotten the salah or slept through its time to make up the missed prayer. This is based on the hadith of the prophet(SAW); There is no negligence while one is asleep but forgetfulness occurs when one is awake. If one of you forgets the prayer or sleep through its time, then he should perform the salah when he recalls it" if one falls unconscious then he need not repeat the salah unless there is enough time afterwards to purify himself and perform the salah within itz proper time.
Concerning missing a salah intentionally, majority of scholars say its a sin and the missed salah must be made up for. However there are different opinions on how it should  be done.
while some scholars are of the opinion that one cannot make up the salah intentionally missed until its time expires and such a person should turn to Allah, ask for forgiveness and inceease his good deeds and nawafil in order to increase his weight of good deeds on the day of judgment. Other scholars like Abu Hanifah, Malik and ash-Shaf'i are of the opinion that one can make up the prayer after its time has expired. one is to make up the missed prayers before he prayers the present prayers.
The difference in opinion is enough signal that it highly discouraged that one intentionally miss the salah and one should try as must as possible to ensure one salah is said at it time frame as there is no special reward for one who has said the prayer at the beginning of it time and towards later part as long as its still within the salah time frame.
The Prayer of a Traveller (Qasr)
Allah says in the  Quran "And when you go forth in the land there is no sin upon you if you shorten your prayer when you fear the disbelievers may attack you.Q4: 101
Hence every traveller's four rakat(Zuhr, asr and Isha) prayer may be shortened to two.The others should be said in full.
one may also perform the nawafil prayers as a traveller
If a traveller cannot find another traveller to lead him in the salah, he may pray by himself as it is disliked that he should follow one who is a resident and pray four rakat.

The Distance one must travel before shortening one's prayer
The conclusion  from the quranic verse is that any traveling be it long or short which falls within the linguistic definition of the word travel would suffice to shorten one's salah or to combine them.
If there is someone whose occupation requires him to always be traveling e.g a pilot, a ship captain, a truck driver and so on. then one is permitted to shorten his salah or break his fast as he is truly traveling.

For how long should one shorten the salat
The majority of scholars  are of the opinion that it is permissible  to shorten one's salah when one leaves one's residence and is outside of one's city, and that is a condition and he is not to resume his regular salah until he reaches the first houses of his city.
A traveler may shorten his salah as long as he is on a journey likewise if one have to stay in a place for business then one may shorten his salah as long as he is there. He remains as a traveler as long as he does not plan to stay (Reside and not return) in the place he has traveled to.
However the scholars differ on this point Imam Ahamed say: "if a person intends to stay for four days, he has to offer the whole salah and he may offer qasr if his intention is for less than that.but if one is staying in a place for the purpose of jihad imprisonment or sickness then one may shorten one's salah regardless of whether the person thinks the situation may last for long or short period.
Malik and ash-shafi say if one intends to stay for more than four days he should perform the whole salat and if he intends to stay for less than that he is to stay for less than that he is to offer qasr.
Abu Hanifah holds: If one intends to stay for fifteen days he should do the qasr, if he indends to stay for less than that he should not shorten the salah, this is also the opinion of al-Laith ibn sa'd
Sa'id ibn al Musayyab is of the opinion that if one stay four days, you pray four rakat
Al-Hassan says one who does  not get to his destination or city of residence may shorten salah.
The four imam agree that if one has some need to take care of and always have the intention of leaving the next day then he may shorten his salah as long as he is in that state.
Lastly Ibn al- Mundhir state in his ishraf."The people of knowledge are in agreement that a traveler may perform qasr as long as he does not intend to stay in a place, even though he stay there for years.

Combining Two Prayers
It is allowed for a person to combine the Zuhr and asr salah, or the mahgrib and isha prayer in the following circumstances.
1. During Hajj (At arafa and al-Muzdalifah)
2. During the salah during traveling
3. During the rain one can combine mahgrib and isha at the time of mahgrib, if one feel he can't make it to the mosque during the time of next salah cos of the rain.
4. combining the two prayers due to some illness or other excuses such as breastfeeding woman who will face hardship cleaning her dress for every salah (According to the hanbali school)
who is plagued by a prolonged flow of blood, for the person who cannot control his urine, for one who fears for his life, property or family.

Lastly Prayer on a ship train  or plane.
A salah on a ship train or plane is valid and not disliked for it makes life easier for the person performing it.

Here is our fanal post on salat, our next dawah topic will be on fasting in sha Allah.
Ma salam

Jummah & 'ID Prayers

Friday is the best day of the week, it was reported that Prophet Adam was created on this day, he entered paradise on this day and he was expelled from paradise, also the hour will come to pass on Friday. Subhanallah
Hence its essential that we should do our best to make supplications during the last moments of jummah, for it was reported that there is an hour in this period which if a believer prays to Allah for something, one’s prayer is accepted and requests are granted.
Fard : Two rakat that suffice for the zuhr prayer
Nawafil: It is Sunnah to offer two quick rakat before the jummah prayer, this should be done before imam start the khutbah and four or two rakat after the jummah prayer
Time: The time for jummah is the same as that of the zuhr
Jummah prayer is obligatory upon every adult except in the following conditions

  • Women and Children
  • A sick person
  • A person nursing a sick person
  • A traveler
  • One who fear he might be oppressed or harmed at the gathering
  • Environmental resistance like rain mud extreme cold etc may prevent an adult from attending the Jummah prayer.
  • If the day of ‘Id  occurs on the day of Jummah, the Salatul Jummah is no longer obligatory for those who performed the ‘Id prayer
What the Jummah day entails:

The Friday prayer contains Khutbah and two rakat prayer said in congregation. The Khutbah include praises of Allah, prayer upon the prophet (SAW) admonitions and Quranic recitation.

  1. It is good to make many prayers and salutations upon the prophet (SAW) during the day and night of Fridays.
  2. Recitation of Suratul Kahf(Q18): It was reported that whoever recites suratul Al- Kahf on Fridays will have Illumination from the light from one Friday to the next. One may recite this any time of the day.
  3. It is disliked to read the quran loudly or pray loud quranic recitations in the mosque  disturbing those offering salah.
  4.  It Sunnah to Perform  ghusl, beautify oneself by wearing ones finest clothes, use Miswak,  use perfumes  before attending the jummah prayer
  5. It is good to go early for Jummah prayers
  6. It is disliked that one gets to the mosque and starts stepping over people to get to get to where he or she will sit. It best to sit at the closest open space without distracting people listening to the khutbah
  7. It is obligatory to be silent during the khutbah and not engage in any conversation.
  8. Whomever catches one rakat of the jummah can make up one rakat afterwards and the salah will be valid, however if one should join the prayer after ruku position of the second rakat then one is to pray four rakat of the Zuhr prayer.

This refers to the salah made during the two Islamic festivals namely:
Idul fitr (the end of Ramadan)
Idul adha (commemorating prophet Ibrahim Sacrifice) for idul fitr
Fard: it contains two rakat and khutbah
Nawafil: it is not established that there is any Sunnah prayer before and after the ‘id prayers
Time: it begins from the time the sun is three meters above the horizon until the sun reaches its meridian.

  1. One is to eat before going for idul fitr but not do so before going for idul adha.
  2. It is Sunnah to eat an odd number of dates before going to pray 'Id fitr while for idul adha the eating should be delayed until one returns from the ‘id
  3. Salatul ‘id can be performed in the mosque but it is preferred to performing a place outside the city as long as there is no excuse to do otherwise e.g rain etc.
  4. Women and children are required to go out and attend the e’id prayer this include married, single, young, old and menstruating women.
  5. Menstruating women will not pray but should listen to khutbah
  6. It is preferred for a person to go to the salah by one route and then return through another. It is also permissible to take the same route.
  7. It is preffered to hasten in praying eid adha and delay id fitr
  8. Whomever misses the ‘id prayers may make up for it by performing two rakat 
  9. It is good to congratulate one another on the days of ‘id
  10. It is Sunnah to pronounce the takbirat on ‘id days. This is done by saying: “ Allahu akbar Allahu akbar laillaha illallah Allahu akbar Allahu akbar wa lillahil-hamd”

Friday 13 May 2016

#13. Hijab Fashion Style Diary


Salam alaikum sisters,
My Name Is Sururah Shobulo ,Lagos Based But Currently Serving at NTA Abakaliki ,Ebonyi State, So my present location is Abakaliki.

Nawafil Prayers ( Part 2)


Salatul duha is a prized prayer, and whoever wishes to earn reward should pray it. There is no blame upon whom does not pray it.

Wednesday 6 April 2016


Salam alaikum,
Having discussed the Obligatory salat, we would continue with the Nawafil Salat. We mentioned all the nawafil related to the obligatory prayers when we discussed the obligatory prayers.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Act of Salat ( Prayer)

1. How to Perform Salah

Salam alaikum, As discussed earlier, Salah is a broad Topic and we wish to do our best by explaining the best way we can. Before we start we would like to say there are some disagreement among different sects as to the fine details of the Salat.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Salah (Prayer)

Salam alaikum sisters, Today’s topic is Salah (Prayer) We have made it very detailed, stating each salat time cos of our busy sisters, we hope after reading this article you will find a way to say your prayers within its time frame. May Alllah make it easy for us all. Ameen.

Monday 21 March 2016

#12. Hijab Fashion Style Diary

Salam alaikum,

My name is Odion Izegwire, from Edo state. But Lagos born and raised. Had my first degree in Kano and now work in a boarding school with teenagers in Minna, Niger State. I love my job, I love the kids I work with, I love my twin more than my life, I love cats, I love going new places and meeting new faces and I love my hijab.

#11. Hijab Fashion Style Diary

Salam alaikum,

Am Azeezat ibrahim, a student of Minnesota state university Moorhead USA. I major in Health service Administration in my third year. Born and brought up in Lagos but from Osun state. Currently in the United States studying.

Friday 18 March 2016

#10. Hjab Fashion Style Diary

Salam alaikum,

My name is Gbolagade Shakirat student, Am a student of University of ibadan, Ibadan Oyo state Nigeria.
Hijab Story